NEWS - We have won
Business Achievement Award for Alternative Medical Services in Health care.
Click here to read the news article that appeared in The London & Thames Today Magazine.

It is our aim at ‘The Health Barn Clinic' to provide the very best Natural Healthcare to all our patients. Over the last thirty years the clinic has become well respected for the high standard of healthcare it offers and this has been acknowledged by the fact that we have been awarded the Business Achievement Award for ‘Alternative Medical Services in Healthcare'
A recent news report on this stated “Recognized both locally and nationally, this award is not necessarily given to the largest firm within the sector but rather the criteria is that the recipient has shown a desire to recognize best practice as well as demonstrating a philosophy of placing the clients wellbeing as top of its priorities.
The clinic practices Physiological Regulating Medicine which integrates state of the art knowledge of Homotoxicology, Psycho Neuro Endocrine Immunology, Nutritional Medicine and modern Homeopathy. This approach has clinical proof of its effectiveness but without the side effects of conventional medicine. 
We also have the latest version of Inergetix CoRe, an advanced computer based system that combines analysis and balancing on both the informational and energetic levels. It can accurately scan and pinpoint blockages due to allergy intolerances, biochemical imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, organ malfunctions, emotional traumas and subconscious conflicts etc …
The clinic is also well established and respected as a ‘Back Care Centre' offering treatments that cover many symptoms involving all sorts of Back /Joint Pain and Sports Injuries.